
Bridging Worlds: The Art of Belonging

Rows of student triptychs.

受到对艺术的共同热爱和使用各种艺术形式增加学习的知识的启发, 人类学助理教授Amy Carattini和英语教授Suzanne Spoor与视觉艺术项目领航员Laura Pasquini合作,为他们的人类学和写作学生创造了一种艺术融合的体验.  

艺术整合是指将艺术教育与其他学科相结合,鼓励学生探索和理解复杂的概念,这些概念可能仅通过传统的教学方法就具有挑战性. 目标是通过要求学生以独特的方式分析和解释信息,并通过以艺术形式表现不同的观点来培养批判性思维技能. 

Carattini和Spoor希望他们的学生做一个以“家”为主题的联合项目,因为他们原本计划将文化人类学导论(ANT-121)和学术写作与研究1 (eng101)作为一门课程 thematic learning community called “There’s No Place Like 首页。.” Even though the classes were “de-coupled,两位教授都把他们共同形成的家和归属感的主题保留了下来, 他们仍然希望他们的学生能有一种深度学习的体验,就像他们和其他学生和教授一起学习一样. 除了, their colleague in sculpture, Wilfredo Valladares Lara计划于9月在马里兰创意艺术大厅策划一场名为“寻找家园”的艺术展.“Valladares Lara的展览可以成为学生拓宽他们对主题思考的另一个机会. 

整个夏天, Carattini和Spoor参加了2023年Renwick邀请展“分享荣誉和负担”的开幕式,他们的灵感来自土著艺术家Joe Feddersen,他是一名版画家, glass artist and basket weaver. 通过这些媒介, he uses signs and symbols to reflect on contemporary and native connections to the environment. 与艺术家见面并听取他对土地归属的看法唤醒了学生们的可能性,如果他们也从标志开始,他们可能会更深入地了解自己对家和归属的定义和理解, symbols and images as a way to evoke sensory impressions and recount specific moments in time. 

This is when Carattini connected with Pasquini to ask for her help. 帕斯奎尼建议在印刷工作室里玩些创意游戏,在那里她向卡拉蒂尼介绍了用胶板和照片转印的单面印刷. After a few sessions together working with these artistic mediums and creating mock-ups, Pasquini proposed to have students create a triptych, a 2-dimensional work of three panels, each expressing an aspect of what home is to the artist (through symbols, 图片和文字). Carattini和Spoor一致认为,这将是学生以个人方式探索家和归属感概念的理想方式,同时非正式地彼此分享他们的故事. Supported with supply funding from the dean of Liberal Arts, 艾丽西亚莫尔斯, two workshops were planned. 

By all accounts, the project workshops were a success. Valladeres offered the sculpture studio as a space for the workshops. Carattini and Spoor prepped students for the experience through ethnographic writings, literary readings and discussions on home and belonging. Pasquini did everything else. 她计划, 有组织的, set up a location to upload digital files, provided materials for and taught the workshops entirely. During the first workshop, 帕斯奎尼用费德森的作品给学生们做了一个缓慢的练习:“在电线上集会”.” Through this monotype print that depicts glyph-like birds with geometric patterned power lines, Pasquini引导学生探索不同的图案和符号在我们的日常生活中有什么含义,哪些含义因废弃而丢失. Once she showed students gelli printing and photo transfer techniques, they were off and creating triptychs. 在一个面板中, students made a gelli print of a symbol of home; in the second panel, they transferred a photo representing the theme; and in the third, 他们在图案或图像上书写(在他们的鬼印或转移的照片上), using transparent velum). 结果令人震惊. 

在接下来的一周, 学生们反思了与材料的接触和创作过程本身如何塑造了他们对家和归属感的看法. 在人类学, 他们将利用这项工作来了解自己对这个主题的出发点,然后再去采访别人,并征求他们的理解. In the English class, they will continue to explore the theme through literary texts. 许多学生还将去马里兰大厅实地考察,体验瓦拉达雷斯劳拉的寻找家园展览, where they will encounter sculptures, 绘画, 安装部分, 织工作, 七位不同的艺术家通过他们自己的生活经历和特殊技能来接近这个主题的视频和印刷品. 


阿尔文(eng - 101)

三联画的制作既有趣又超现实,因为我们学会了用照片转印和Gelli印刷(这是一种制作印刷品的艺术形式,称为单面印刷)来表达自己的新方式。. Even though I spoke and wrote about Belonging, I made my triptych about Family because of everything my family has done for me. They make sure I have everything I need and encourage and push me to be myself and better. 我想和其他人分享我的传统,让他们看到和享受我们穿着传统服装的全家福.


玫瑰(ant - 121)

The symbols I chose when I thought of home and belonging were roses, trees and a pattern of wood. 我妈妈曾经给我讲过她为什么给我起名叫罗斯玛丽,以及她对这种花的热爱. We have been growing roses in our yard for as long as I can remember and each time, 我想起了家,想起了夏天里盛开的粉红玫瑰,想起了每次我表演完舞蹈,妈妈都会给我送玫瑰. I chose the pattern of wood because it makes me think of the old wood table, we ate dinner on every night, 我家前院的那棵大树,我过去每天都和我的兄弟们一起爬上去,还有那回荡在家里的木头味. My dad is an arborist and growing up we were taken on hikes and adventures as often as we could. Every tree I see reminds me of my dad and home, they give me comfort and I like to see how different each one is.  

我选择的照片是一张马赛克的照片,从我记事起,它就一直在我的房子里. It is hung on the wall in my kitchen and each time I see it, I think of family dinners and baking with the family. It holds many memories, and the colors are nostalgic. For my quote I added the map for the background, 地图让我想起了家,因为在我奶奶家看地图集曾经是我最喜欢做的事情. I've collected maps since the beginning of high school, and I continue to find more. My quote is a verse from a song called "songbird" by Fleetwood Mac. My mom would play the cover song by Eva Cassidy and sing it to me when I was in a bad mood. 


AJ (ant - 121)

For my print I decided to focus on greenery and life. My dad has always loved doing outdoor projects, from simple gardening to elaborate landscaping. 工作(或, in the case of my middle brother, 拒绝一起照顾我们的院子或花园是我一些最美好的童年回忆的来源. 每当我回家, 我爸爸总是很兴奋地向我展示他最新的项目,或者让我品尝他刚收获的蜂蜜. 我们会坐在后面,看着鸡,他会给我讲他与狐狸和老鹰战斗的故事,而狐狸和老鹰总是出来觅食. 

为了我的照片, 我用的是今年春天我老二回弗吉尼亚看我时我们拍的照片. This picture marked the first time we had all been together since 2020. My brother joined the Air Force right as the pandemic hit, so he was unable to visit home before being sent off to Japan for 2 years. I will always remember how great it felt to have everyone under the same roof again. Even though I have regularly visited my family since my brother left, it never felt fully like home until we were all back together. 

A picture of a student's artwork.

伊丽莎白(eng - 101)

I liked creating the triptych because I like art, and I struggle at English, so it made it fun.  I feel like in an English class we just write and talk about the book we are reading. For this, we connected three themes that were also in the book we were reading to our own lives. It also allowed us to learn things about our peers that don’t come up in a normal conversation. 我们也建立联系. 

This project allowed me to develop my idea of home. I thought about people, places and things that made me feel comfortable and not judged. Before I knew those people and things meant something, but it allowed me to say that I feel at home with these people. 
